Monday, April 5, 2010

Rambling of Cake Décorator Wannabe

One maybe just enjoyed working in her kitchen.
Been to a wedding, she had seen and tasted the cakes or cupcakes and she thought,
 "I can do this!"
Or her boss used to say, "your baking is so delicious,”
and friends also said “ your cakes are so beautiful”
and another had tickled with $$ driven suggestion...”you should go into business".
 To them she replied, “I just starting to learn and still a real far from a home-business”.

and....far from perfection


zino said...

terus praktis sampai perfect..

Queen Of The House said...

Coklat dah master. Now on to cupcakes and cakes!!!

Hasfazilah said...

yup..practice make perfect kak cik :D

Hasfazilah said...

yup.. practice make perfect k.cik... :D

NURAZZAH8 said...

Salam CikMilah..lama tak menjenguk di sini...apa khabar? semoga terus maju dan mencuba sehingga mencapai ke tahap yang memuaskan anda..dan akhirnya dpt membuka bizness anda sendiri ..InsyaAllah........

saya dah rasa cekelat..mmg sedap... tapi belum dapat rasa cake lagi...bila nak dapat rasa ek?? makcik bloggers gathering again???

cikMilah said...

Thank-you all my dear friends....
Salam Zino, kalau dekat, boleh Zino jadi mangsa habiskan deco yg saya praktis tu ya....

Lina, dah jadi role model...:))))

Ilah.. nanti ada cuppies hasik praktis tu, kakcik antar UiTM ya..tolong makan...heheheh

Azzah, missing you too..
Ya.. kita patut arrange for the next meeting...
rindu semua...

Hasfazilah said...

kak cik... betul ke ni? TOLONG MAKAN... boleh sangat, menanti dengan setia :D

Hasfazilah said...

kak cik..nak minta TOLONG MAKAN? boleh sangat tu... setia menanti cuppies tu ;)

Mulan said...

chantik nya lagi dari saya punya.. hehehe.. saya masih terketar2 & terkial2.. asyik2 terbabas je cream tu..

well done sis.. moga kita terus pandai.. hehehe..

The Embroidered Home said...

kita rindu coklat awak...sedap!